Board of Directors
Webequie First Nation- Ennis Jacob; INTERIM President
Ennis is the Director of Education for Webequie First Nation. He is passionate about seeing our children succeed in everything they do, and encouraging them to pursue their dreams and aspirations. During his educational career, Ennis began as an Educational Assistant, eventually becoming an Education Counsellor before becoming the Education Director. Ennis believes in the importance of teamwork and how it can be used to support students. His primary goal in serving on the ATDTE Board of Directors is to provide funding to support Matawa youth. His message to all Matawa youth is to “be the best you can be.”
Nibinamik First Nation- Mary Oskineegish; INTERIM Treasurer
Mary is the Education Director for Nibinamilk First Nation. During her educational career, Mary has worked as a school secretary, Language Teacher, and Principal and is now the Director of Education. Of all the positions she has held, Mary enjoyed teaching her language and culture to students. Mary’s primary goal in serving on the ATDTE Board of Directors is helping youth with their dreams. Her message to all Matawa youth is something her father shared: “Get educated; you will use it in the future.”
Eabametoong First Nation- To be Determined
Ginnogaming First Nation- To be determined
Neskantaga First Nation- Melanie Moonias
Marten Falls First Nation- BOD To be Determined
Aroland First Nation- Annamarie Majiskon
Annamarie is from Aroland First Nation. She is a proud Mother, Grandmother and Wife. She is the education representative from Aroland serving on our Board of Directors for ATDTE, as well a,s Matawa Education Authority. Annamarie is passionate about working for her community, and sharing her knowledge to help Aroland members. Her primary goal in serving as an ATDTE Board Member is to assist Matawa youth in reaching their educational goals. Her message to Matawa youth is to “set your goals, keep moving forward and make yourself proud for your future.”
Elder: Webequie First Nation; George Whitehead
George is from Webequie and serves as the Elder for the ATDTE Board of Directors. George passionately believes in the importance of education for all Matawa youth, and he wants to do his part in helping them achieve their goals and dreams.
Brittany Kennedy- Programs Administrator
Brittany Kennedy has been with Matawa Education since 2017. Her passion for Indigenous education and supporting equal opportunities for Indigenous youth has been deeply rooted in her career journey. Brittany started her career as an educator working for remote First Nation communities in Northern Ontario. Since shifting away from teaching in the classroom, Brittany has pivoted her career towards philanthropy by supporting Indigenous youth through meaningful and impactful initiatives.
Sharon Nate- Executive Director of Matawa Education
When you donate, you are giving more than money. You are providing Matawa youth with the means to realize their full potential and empower them to make life-changing choices that impact them and their community. By creating a bursary, you are offering them access to post-secondary education; when you support a fund, these dollars enhance their learning opportunities. When you provide resources for clothing, computers, sports equipment and art supplies, you are making a difference one student at a time!